Natural coaching
Find your nature in nature
Find yourself with help of our Siberian huskies and donkeys and nature surroundings.​

As tulipbulb grower in the north of Sweden I have experienced how you can connect the development of a tulip (nature) with your life. As certified coach (ICF) and living in the nature we started different programs for you to experience your path in and with the nature.
In my book " Geef sleur weer kleur" / "Från lök till lycka" ,
I devided the chapters in 3 blocks:
Grow and flow
Where do you see yourself in the moment? Look in the different blocks and find out. Welcome!
Do you like to read my book? Welcome to order! :)
Are you interested?
Of course not the smartest question here above, otherwise you wouldn't be here just in this moment .... :)
But thanks for your curiousity! To be curious shows you want to know more, learn more or make your life more exiting (again).
I would like to walk together with you a part on your way through life. It's great to come away a while and focus on yourself. Find out what questions coming from your heart in stead of listening to the stories in your head.
Here in and with the nature you will find your inspiration and motivation.
Start to fill in this contact formular and we'll see from there, ok?
Lovely regards, Carolina
Coaching program during retreat
To grow vegetables, flowers etc. you use fertilizer, till example compost. What kind of compost do you use to grow yourself? All your experiences since your birth has formed you how you are today. But are there some experiences that blocks you to grow?
As coach I will active listen to you to support you to unlock your block and fill your compost. Interested? Look in our COMPOST PROGRAMS
Grow and flow
You surely have moments in your life where you ask yourself: "Why is this happening to me?" This can be very possitiv but also very difficult. And it is not always easy to understand, what can block yourself to look forward.
Under 'Grow and Flow' we look together to your moments with questions why they appear in your life and what it brings for you to grow and get more colour in life after this experience. Look in to our GROW & FLOW PROGRAMS
In the world you ar enot alone, even if you maybe wish this sometimes. Which effect has the surrounding on you? Is it important what people around you think about you? And how do you look to all what is happening close to you or even in the world? Do you get a little bit lost with all changes around you?
It's good to share how you feel and to find your place. Our coaching programs in Backsjön you are surrounded by nature, you can experience to hear the silence outside in clean air. Interested? Look in to our SURROUNDING PROGRAMS
“A real eye opener. Great guidance ensured I was able to find the root of my emotions. Through the music my mind had room to wander and focus on the aspects in my life I needed to deal with”
- Eefje
"Very interesting and it gave me a great insight and possibility to change the way how I was looking at things. It's a great opportunity to get in touch with new sites of yourself!”
- Lukas
The music with guidance of Carolina's words brought me to my unconscious feelings and problems. During the session I found my own solutions, all shown in pictures.
An amazing experience!