Polar tulips / Norrland Tulpaner
We made the impossible POSSIBLE!
The common thoughts of experts in the Netherlands was it's impossible to grow tulip bulbs in the North of Sweden. Carolina, coming from a tulip bulb growers family was stubborn and together with Hasse they have proven:
It's possible!

Our Story
Since 2011 Farm Backsjön organize a Tulip festival from Swedish Mothers day and 3 weeks forward.
After 5-6 month under snow and ice, tulip bulbs popping up though the snow and short after a colourfull garden appears. Because the strong winter temperatures and the snow, growing tulips and tulipbulbs don't need any form of chemicals. This create a biological Tulip grow!
More info: www.norrlandtulpaner.se

Norrland Tulpaner belongs to the World Tulip Society
It was a great honour to get invited by the World Tulip Society and we got an award for "Groundbreaking Tulip Atraction"!
A big surprise and during the summit Carolina met an very inspiring international Tulip family from all over the world. Now new plans are made to develop The Tulip Atraction in Backsjön, Sollefteå even more!

Our Annual
Tulip Festival
Come and enjoy a colourfull garden! About 200.000 tulip bulbs are planted, more than 60 different kinds. All in the middle of the forest in North of Sweden.
Take your time and book a tulip card, that includes entrance + guiding, 'fika', lunch a tips promenad and 7 tulips with bulb, taken upp fresh that day for you.